All the information in one place - Community information, quotes, place offers on properties, sales
Creating informative pages about Communities places your real estate agency in the ideal spot for capturing potential clients!
Acured is the optimal website for people looking for a home who know where they want to live.This means quality clients, who know what they want. The potential clients are directed straight to your webpage, or they can call you, since the contact information of the real estate agency is clearly displayed. A great opportunity for FREE publicity. Acured was originally created 2004, and due to time passed (as well as excellent SEO) the Communities represented have always appeared first, or at least on the first page, on all the major search engines.
Our intention is that the Communities you upload always appear on the first page of search engines, something that is obviously highly desirable for any real estate agency! It goes without saying that the more Communities you upload, the more traffic is driven your way and the more potential clients will find their way to you!
Write something about the best Communities before the competition takes advantage of this great opportunity!
We are also aware of the problematics of obtaining new clients, sellers as well as buyers - a central and critical function of any real estate agency. Because of this we have created the possibility that once you have entered the data for a new Community, potential clients can place offers for a property in this Community, even though none are yet for sale! Your agency, through Acured, has access to these offers in realtime!
Do you have clients looking for properties in an area, but can´t locate any for sale? Place an offer! Your agency can place an offer as long as you have registered!
If you want to exploit all of Acureds potential, you can also sign an agreement with key Communities, to offer the possibility for residents in the Community to sell their properties through you. You can download our "Time to change Focus" pdf here!
To start enjoying all the benefits, click here, it's very simple!
As an administrator of a community, we put all of Acureds tools at your disposal! Promote the community, stimulate internal communication, and use the online sales system to earn money for your community.
As a Real Estate Agent you now have access to Acured! Use this to your benefit by uploading the communities that you normally sell properties in! We will display your logo on the community page and refer to your website! This is a great way to receive more quality clients who know where they want to buy a property.
A second opinion can be invaluable when buying a property in Spain. Read more about this at .